Podcast Episode 68 – The Legend of Paul Bunyan: Lumber-Mech

Originally recorded 12/10/23
Heard you missed us! We’re back!
This isn’t always as easy as it looks. Your hosts, despite their best intentions, fell behind on getting this episode to you.
We both got sick, but, oh no, not at the same time. We staggered it rendering us both useless for extended periods of time.
We’re sorry for the delay, but we both think tonight’s episode will make up for our absence.
Take a look at this list of topics:
- Health updates
- Traffic complaints
- More on the joys of home ownership
- A quick shout out to the late Norman Lear
- Southern Bastards
- Bedazzling and other horrible 80s fashion choices
- Stephe’s adventures in Tai Chi
- Real Genius
- Doctor Who
- Listen to the live creation of Mayberry RIP
- The Legend of Paul Bunyan – LumberMech
Look, we’re really proud of those last two. We really think you’ll like them.
Give it a listen as you head to grandma’s house.