SlurpToast Podcast Episode 1: What’s Under Arthur Dent’s Robe

Recorded July 19, 2020

A podcast.

It seemed simply enough.

Two friends were riffing, as they do, about things on inauguration day 2016. A question arose about the propriety of using the incoming first lady as the cheesecake selection for LinkFrogging on GonzoGeek.

Bruce’s Donald Trump imitation morphed into “Macho Man” Randy Savage led someone to suggestion these conversations they’d been having for years would make a great podcast.

Fast forward four years, a couple of name changes and here we are…finally.

Bruce joined from his garage man cave.

Stephe joined in from an undisclosed location.

The inaugural episode of the SlurpToast podcast finds your hosts, Bruce and Stephe, discussing life during quarantine, advice they got from Bruce’s dad, San Diego Comic-Con and Stephe points the rocket launcher at his fellow Funko Fanatics.

The podcast turned out pretty well for a first attempt and the boys decided to continue.

You’re welcome.